Global Advisors | Quantified Strategy Consulting

Quote: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote: Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Quote: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Quote: Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Quote: Marianne Williamson

Quote: Marianne Williamson

“Withholding love is a form of self-sabotage, as what we withhold from others we are withholding from ourselves.”

Marianne Williamson

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Quote: Fyodor Dostoevsky

Quote: Fyodor Dostoevsky

“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky

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Global Advisors | Quantified Strategy Consulting