
critical success factors


How to set your consulting partnership up for success.

  1. Your consulting partner must be free of conflicts of interest and able to give you objective advice:
    • This typically requires high-level sponsorship.
    • It must be clear what consulting offerings may be connected to the advice given by the consultant.
  2. Deliverables and milestones should be clear and measureable.
  3. Strategic projects should be sponsored by an executive team member, preferably the CEO, who enjoys the respect and support of the organisation and other impacted stakeholders.
  4. An executive steering group should oversee a strategic project, be accountable for its success or failure and be empowered to resolve issues and remove obstacles.
  5. Consulting teams should be partnered with internal resources to ensure knowledge transfer and ongoing momentum:
    • If it hurts to free up the internal resources, they’re probably the right types of people.
  6. Partnering should be seen as a longer-term relationship (not necessarily continuous) – consultants and clients learn about how to work best with one another over time.
Global Advisors | Quantified Strategy Consulting