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Global Advisors alumnus Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh visits the Johannesburg office

28 Sep 2017

Democracy and Delusion: book coverWe were delighted to welcome Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh to our Johannesburg offices today.

Sizwe worked at Global Advisors in 2013 before accepting a scholarship to read for his Masters and Doctorate at Oxford University. He was awarded his Masters and is currently completing his Doctorate. Sizwe had been based at our old offices in Hyde Park and this was his first visit to our new offices in Sandton.

He recently published his first book and CD, “Democracy and Delusion – 10 Myths in South African Politics.”

Sizwe described the value gained from his consulting experience: “Consulting showed me that we often debate issues esoterically – without understanding the available data and therefore what is myth and what is reality. That helped me with the idea for this book.”

Sizwe also found that the exacting demands of consulting also prepared him well for the busy life he has taken on. He has simultaneously juggled studies, political involvement, authoring a book and recording a CD – and married life. He magnanimously says this was easy after consulting!

Sizwe was impressed by the growth in Global Advisors since he had left – particularly the library. He gave a gift of his book and CD to add to our collection.

Well done Sizwe! All the best with the book and CD!

Some of the Global Advisors team and alumnus Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh
Some of the Global Advisors team and alumnus Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh.

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